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Co-Parenting Mike Anderson Co-Parenting Mike Anderson

033. How to Cope with a Difficult Ex and Protect Your Kids

There's an old saying that when two elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers most. This holds true when two Ex's are at war — it's the kids who suffer most. But how can you protect your kids from conflict when you're dealing with a difficult Ex? It certainly isn't easy, but it is possible. In this episode, you'll discover how I learned to contain conflict, hold my ground and stabilize my emotions while coping with my difficult Ex.

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Co-Parenting, Parenting & Discipline Mike Anderson Co-Parenting, Parenting & Discipline Mike Anderson

020. 4 Big Myths About Parenting When an Ex Has Different Rules

Have you ever felt fearful or frustrated about your kids pushing back when you hold to the boundaries you think are the best for them? Ever felt pressure from the kids about the things they get to do over at your Ex's house, but not in yours? Ever felt hopeless because you just don't have enough time with your kids and worried that you won't have the impact you really want? You might be stuck believing one of 4 Big Myths. Check out this week's episode where we'll bust the myths and reveal the truth…

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